美国佐治亚理工学院GTMI中心Chuck Zhang教授来校访问并做学术报告

2018-06-26 16:22:00

美国佐治亚理工学院GTMI中心Chuck Zhang教授来校访问并做学术报告

应学校国际合作处、计算机与通信学院的邀请,美国佐治亚理工学院工业与系统工程系先进制造研究院GTMI Chuck Zhang 教授 6 24 -6 26 日来校访问。

Chuck Zhang 教授来访期间,与计算机与通信学院制造业信息化学科团队成员进行了深入交流,对该团队主要成员的科研工作进行了点评与指导,为该团队成员及研究生做了撰写基金申请书和学术论文的指导报告。

6 25 日下午, Chuck Zhang 教授为全院师生做了 “Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial & Systems Engineering Research   at Georgia Institute of Technology” 的报告, 简要介绍了 佐治亚理工学院 、该校 工业与系统工程学院(ISYE )的 研究生培养体系、主要科研方向等内容 重点介绍了 工业与系统工程学院(ISYE )和佐治亚理工制造研究所( GTMI )的研究计划, 结合自己的研究课题,对 一些新兴领域的代表性研究项目,如additive manufacturing 和机器学习 的研究和 应用 案例进行了详细的介绍 。在互动环节, Dr. Zhang 就在场的老师和同学们提出的关于先进制造目前现阶段的发展和留学读博申请的流程等问题做了细致的解答。

报告会后,Chuck Zhang 教授与学校国际合作处、计算机与通信学院负责人进行了座谈交流,冯涛院长介绍了学校和计算机与通信学院的基本情况。双方重点就兰州理工大学与佐治亚理工学院暑期交换学生项目、教师访学、博硕士生海外短期研修项目及相关科研合作等内容交换了意见。

Chuck Zhang 教授来访期间, 芮执元校长、曹洁副校长 分别与 Chuck Zhang 教授就我校的国际化工作 对外开放办学 及制造业信息化团队科研合作等 深入交换了意见。

简介:佐治亚理工学院工业与系统工程系是目前世界上最大的制造系统、供应链、物流及复杂系统的研究和教育中心,在复杂系统建模及优化、供应链建模及优化方面有着与工业企业合作60 余年的历史,是美国工业与系统工程研究领域排名第一的研究机构 (US News & World Report) 。该系现有包括制造研究中心、物流中心、供应链策略研究中心、资源调度中心等在内的 7 个研究所,具有可用于工业复杂过程建模及仿真的实验室 4 个,现有 60  余名研究人员,均具有博士学位,具有美国工业与系统工程方向最先进的实验设备。该学院所具有的学科 - 工业与系统工程多年来一直位于美国同类院校首位,具有很强的研究实力。


Dr. Zhang’s research interests include scalable nanomanufacturing, computational and experimental materials engineering for composites and nanocomposites, modeling, simulation and optimization of manufacturing processes, multifunctional materials development, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, and metrology. As a PI or co-PI, he has conducted over 35 research projects sponsored by a number of organizations including National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), as well as industrial companies such as ATK Launch Systems, Cummins, General Dynamics, GKN Aerospace Services, Lockheed Martin and Siemens Power Generation. Most recently, he has initiated new research and education programs in advanced materials and manufacturing engineering for orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) applications. Dr. Zhang was also instrumental in creating interdisciplinary graduate education programs in materials science & engineering and engineering management for O&P.  


Dr. Zhang has published over 130 refereed journal articles and 180 conference papers. He holds nine U.S. patents. He was invited as a guest scientist in NIST in summer semesters of 1995 and 1996. He is recipients of 1999 SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award and 2001 SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award. Dr. Zhang currently serves as editorial advisory board member for Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (CJME) (English Edition), International Journal of Industrial and System Engineering (IJISE), and Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience. As the major advisor, he has supervised the research of 16 M.S. and 11 Ph.D.  students. He also supervised nine postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Zhang teaches undergraduate and graduate courses
