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2018-05-28 10:53 点击: 作者:admin 来源:

1.国际学生微信群(群名称:Lut International Students)和各班级微信群,是由国际教育学院建立,辅导员和班主任分别担任群主,为全体国际学生和学院教师提供信息服务的交流平台。










LanzhouUniversity of Technology International Students

Conventionon the Safe and Civilized Use of WeChat Groups

1. TheSchool of International Education established the International Students’ WeChat group (WeChat Group Name: LUT InternationalStudents) as well as the WeChat groups for every class. These groupsshall be used for disseminating information to students and the faculty.Administrators/regulators for these groups should be the counselors andheadteachers.

2. TheseWeChat groups shall serve as platforms for exchanging information, studentmanagement and training, and offering services to international students. Thegroups shall be used mainly for issuing notices, announcements, andarrangements for teaching and training. They shall also be used for safetyeducation and to give notices with respect to recreational activities and lifeguidance.

3. Thesegroups shall only be made up of international students and teachers of theschool. Upon gaining admission into the school (LUT), all internationalstudents must join the WeChat groups. Members are advised not to invite oraccept other personnel to the groups. Upon graduating or when a student dropsout of school, he/she must exit the groups. Graduates, however, need to joincorresponding alumni groups.

4. WeChatgroup members must adopt their official names (real-name system) foridentification. International students shall use the name “English Name +Chinese name” and shall under no circumstance use other nicknames.

5. Membersof these groups are encouraged not to share information on the group page attimes other than the prescribed 7:00-23:00. Exceptions are made for safetymatters and other special arrangements such as medical emergencies forinternational students.

6. Inorder to enhance communication and improve Chinese, members in the WeChatgroups are encouraged to communicate in Chinese, thus ensuring the smooth flowof information. However, students can use English when necessary.

7. TheWeChat groups shall abide strictly to Chinese laws and regulations and schoolrules. Members are not allowed to use derogatory, aggressive comments andharmful comments in the groups. Besides, anyone should not release anyinformation related to religion and not issue anything that affects internationalstudents’ unity and equality.

8. Membersof the groups shall adhere to safe and civilized exchanges (communication).There shall be no circulation of unconfirmed, false or unreported informationor any information related to international students’ privacy. Do not attack orinsult others. Members are strictly prohibited from sharing vulgar, obscene andgambling-related information. Advertisement, canvassing or sharing of unrelatednews to these groups are also strictly prohibited.

9. Groupmembers shall maintain positive communication. These WeChat groups shall not beused as platforms for personal conversation. Avoid discussing personal issuesor individual problems in the groups. Members are encouraged to communicatedirectly with the teachers in charge or have discussions with the counselor incase of any problem or any questions.

10. TheseWeChat groups shall be under the supervision and management of teachers andstudents. Students who violate any of these rules and regulations shall face disciplinarysanction. Serious cases will be investigated, as part of the responsibilitiesof the group administrator and the group members shall be held accountable.
